Friday, August 20, 2010

What Is Subconscious Mind?

Subconscious Mind can be described as that part of your mind that receives and files impressions of sense or thoughts regardless of their nature. Your subconscious mind has immense power in controlling your life experiences: from the types of food you eat to the actions you take each day, the level of income you earn, and even how you react to stressful situations.

In short, your subconscious mind is like the auto-pilot features on an aircraft which has been pre-programmed to follow a specific route and you cannot deviate from that route unless you changed the directions programmed into it first.

Right now, you are primarily using your conscious mind to read this words and absorb their meaning, but beneath that mental focus, your subconscious mind is busily working behind the scenes absorbing or rejecting information based on an existing perception you have of the word around you.

This existing perception began forming when you were an infant. With every experiences, your subconscious mind soaks in information like a sponge.

When you were young, your subconscious mind rejected nothing, because you did not have any pre-existing beliefs to contradict what it perceived. It simply accepted that all of the information you received during your early childhood was true.

You can probably see why this becomes a problem later in life! Every time someone called you stupid, worthless, slow lazy or worse, your subconscious mind just stored the information away for reference.

You may also have received messages about your potential in life or limitations you will face based on your physical abilities, skin color, gender, or economic status.

By the time you were 8 or 9 years old, you already had solid foundations of belief based on all that programming from people in your life, television shows you watched, and other influences of the environment.

Does This Old Programming Affect You At All??

Having attained the adulthood, you may think that you can simply discard the hurtful or untrue messages you absorbed during your early life, but it is not that quite simple.

Remember that all of this information is stored below your level of conscious awareness. The only time you become aware of it is when it limits your progress in creating a balanced, successful and life productivity.

Have you ever tried to achieve a goal and kept sabotaging yourself at every attempt? Maddening, is it not? It is important to know that you are not detective or doomed to fail no matter what you do.

Likely you got some old programmed messages that conflict with the new conditions you want to create.

This is excellent news because it means you can achieve just about anything, but only if you first take the time to reprogram your subconscious mind!

The Programming Still Continues……

Before we discover how to reprogram your subconscious mind, it is important to know that the programming still continues to this day. With every experience you have, you draw certain conclusions and store the messages that will guide your future actions.

For example, what kind of message do you think would be stored if you were rejected by someone you cared about?

Your subconscious mind would immediately go hunting through your memories and find other examples of rejection, like that time your best friend dumped you to hang out with the more popular kids, and draw a conclusion that you are somehow unworthy and deserve to be rejected.

Here is the interesting thing: if you have an experience that conflicts with an already established belief, your subconscious mind will either reject it or reframe it so it goes along with your existing view of reality.

For example: Let say you have an underlying belief that you are unattractive and an attractive person expresses an interest in getting to know you better.

You won't believe that this person could find you attractive because you already believe that you are unattractive.

Beneath the surface of your conscious awareness, your subconscious mind is screaming "No way, this person is way too attractive to be interested in me, something is not right here"

Then you will either reject that person before they can reject you or otherwise do something to sabotage what could have been a great relationship.

You can probably imagine many other situations where your subconscious mind limits you, but reprogramming it is a simple matter if you know how.

Do you not wish you had some sort of super mind power so you could transform your life of mediocrity into a life filled with passion, abundance and excitement? Maybe you want to lose weight, fall in love, get filthy rich or travel the world. Here are the secrets that will make it possible to be whoever you want to be or achieve anything you want to achieve in your life. Click Here To See The Details.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Your Subconscious Power – 5 Top Steps to Tapping Your Inner Potential

Do you know that your subconscious power is real? If not, then look at yourself to realize that there is that part of you that operates beyond conscious awareness. This is your subconscious and it really helps you make the right decisions about people, events and circumstances. If you able to tap this inner power, you can achieve so much more in life. Find below the five top steps to tap your inner potential power.

Your Responsibility

The subconscious mind can be very powerful. It can make things or thoughts that you normally cannot sense through your body, appear or materialize. When used in the right way, your subconscious mind can give you your deepest heart’s desires. This however is where personal responsibility should come it. A person’s mind power can be used for a variety of purposes including some that may be harmful to others. Before you decide to hone the powers of your mind, bear in mind the tremendous responsibility that will be on your shoulders.

Your Safety

Tapping the unconscious part of your mind can be very exciting. Do remember though that just like any other power, this one has its dangers. You run the risk of harming yourself if you are not able to use it properly or if you are unable to protect yourself. This is why it is crucial that you know the rationale behind learning steps you are taking and their possible effects on you. It would help if you are learning to use your subconscious from a trusted expert source.

Your Dedication

Your subconscious power does not develop out of the blue. It will take time and a lot of effort to awaken the power of your mind. Aside from learning theoretical concepts, you would also have to spend some time participating in countless exercises until you are able to master your innate psychic skill. Detecting auras, deciding through intuition, hearing thoughts, seeing objects out of sight and predicting outcomes are only some of the possible areas where you would have to practice on. There are numerous exercises online that you can try.

Your Positive State

Anyone can tap the power of the subconscious. It would help though if you are able to establish a positive frame of mind from the very beginning. This is especially if your main objective is to use your power to achieve your life goals. You will only be able to make your dreams come true if you let go of negative thoughts and feelings of doubt. When you are completely certain that you are capable and that you can get what you want, then your subconscious will work for you.

Your Guru

As mentioned, getting a teacher can be a good idea. This however is not as simple as picking anyone out of the blue. You need to be certain that you have a guru who is and expert and who has had a lot of experience helping individuals discover their subconscious potentials.

No doubt, this subconscious power in you is calling for discovery. Why no take the step now towards unlocking your inner potentials.

Do you not wish you had some sort of super mind power so you could transform your life of mediocrity into a life filled with passion, abundance and excitement? Maybe you want to lose weight, fall in love, get filthy rich or travel the world. Here are the secrets that will make it possible to be whoever you want to be or achieve anything you want to achieve in your life. Click Here To See The Details.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Programming Your Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is like a ship crew and no doubt, you are the captain of the ship. It is the job of the captain to give out instructions to the crew. When you do this, the crew takes everything you say literally. The crew, which in this case is your subconscious mind has no sense of humour at all. It just follows instructions blindly.

When you say, ‘Everything I consume goes straight into my hips’, your subconscious mind hears this as an order-Takes everything he eats, turn it into fat and put it on his hips.

This power of your subconscious mind is the main reason you must become very vigilant and pay careful attention not only to your spoken words, but also your internal statements.

It is very unfortunate that most people do not realize that they are committing negative self-talk. This can be checked by having a success partner who monitor you and give you signal to interrupt you when you use the victim’s language.


Do you not wish you had some sort of super mind power so you could transform your life of mediocrity into a life filled with passion, abundance and excitement? Maybe you want to lose weight, fall in love, get filthy rich or travel the world. Here are the secrets that will make it possible to be whoever you want to be or achieve anything you want to achieve in your life. Click Here To See The Details.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Four Tips to Awaken the Power of the Mind

A lot of people are not aware of the real power of the mind. You might be one of those who have only just heard of this concept. You would be doing yourself a favor though if you decide now to keep an open mind. Once you learn how to tap the power of your mind, you will be putting yourself squarely on the path of personal success. Here are top basic tips on how to awaken the power in you.

#1- Be Convinced of It

The first crucial step for you to take is to be convinced. Nothing can ruin your chances of tapping your mind power more than deep skepticism and disbelief. This in itself is a result of your mind power. If you strongly believe that this is not real, your mind will generate the energies that will make things impossible for you.

It might help if you analyzed the mind power concept based on known science. It is generally accepted that there are two major levels of awareness, the conscious and the subconscious. Among some experts, the subconscious is also known as the preconscious. In any case, the subconscious is that part of you that operates beyond the conscious. You would know that it is there when you are able to decide and do things without thinking. Those who have learned to tap the power of the subconscious can do more than that. Aside from having honed instincts, the subconscious can also help you get what you want.

#2- Know What You Want

The power of the mind will not amount to anything if you do not know what you want. The next important step is to determine what you want. It should not be just some shallow wish. You need to have a clear, strong and specific wish. You may for example want to have a specific object, a particular job or a definite relationship state. Whatever it is, your wish has to be something that you can put words or pictures to. This clear image is what your mind will focus on.

#3- Learn to Visualize

It takes more than just a picture of a wish to get what you want. It is also vital that you know how to visualize what you will feel or do when you have your wish. You can for example imagine that you are enjoying a challenging and fulfilling job, a good boss and high pay. You may even think of what you will buy after you get a high paying job such as a house, a car or gadgets. Some mind power experts go so far as to say that one must also imagine as if the wish has already come true. Hence internal visualizations and imaginations must all be in the present tense.

#4- Let Go off the Negatives

Do you know that negativism is one main reason why some people don’t get what they want. You may have followed good advice about tapping the power of the mind and you still don’t have what you want. You might not know it at first but deep inside, you could be harboring a small internal doubt about your mind’s power. If you want to benefit from mind power, your belief should be unconditional and untarnished by any kind of doubt.


Do you want to be successful in life and leave a comfortable life? then awaken the power of the mind.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Unlocking Your Mind Power and Success

Do mind power really exist? Or are they a figment of our imagination? Who do you ask? Like any things, the answer may depend on who you ask. You must be careful about who it is that you ask.

Ask someone who is desperate and you will likely get a negative answer and be told that it's a bunch of bull. But ask anyone who is successful in whatever it is that they have endeavored to achieve and you will most definitely get an answer that it is indeed true and that their success has come from a firm belief in the power of the mind.

So whom should you believe? Who should you listen to? The person who doubts and is not successful? Or the person who believes that mind power does indeed exist and has been a key to their success?

Few people know about success secret anyway, because success is not taught as a life skill. Success is only taught by successful role models; who teach by example, or produce literature, training, and techniques for communicating success secrets.

One such person is a guy named Ewen Chia. You may never have heard of him but he is a wildly successful multi-millionaire who came from a poor background and seemingly miraculously pulled himself out of misery and became a success story. He attributes much of his success in life to being able to tap into not only being able to unlock his healing power of the mind but also the pure unbridled energy that you can get from unlocking your mind power.

He has helped numerous people also to become success stories themselves by teaching them how to unleash their own power of the mind. He has been an Amazon bestseller and a best seller on Barnes and Nobles list as well.

Now he has released a new and very powerful system on how you too can unlock your own power of the mind and also be on your way to achieving all your own goals, hopes and dreams, this is what Super Mind Powers is all about.

The Super Mind Powers is a complete system that will teach you how to achieve mind control automatically that will put you on the path to success instantly whenever you want. It will teach you how to turn your mind into a success engine within a short period of time.

It is a simple system, 100% natural. Everything in this system is proven psychological reality.

Super Mind Powers is made up of five components:

  1. Your Super Mind Power Manual – This is the core of the system and it teaches you how to reprogram your brain for success.
  2. Super Positive Thinking Revealed – This is the simple formula for transforming your brain from a dream killer to a positive success weapon.
  3. Super Success Secrets Revealed – This reveals the 10 simple failure-proof steps for achieving any success you want.
  4. Super Subconscious Programming – This teaches you the easy way to unlock the success-producing power of your subconscious mind.
  5. Super Hypnosis Secrets - It teaches you how to hypnotize yourself to boost your success potential.

Click here to visit Super Mind Powers official website.

The system provides a very good explanation about life generally and how difficult it is to achieve success with a good mentor. It then outlines a very comprehensive program for facing life and achieve great success.

The author even provides excellent email support. You can write about any clarification which you need and Ewen Chia will deliver a prompt response.

Just imagine what it feel like to wake up one day and not feel like you have a care in the world because all the bills are paid, you own everything you want in life, you can take vacations anywhere you want in the world as long as you want to, being able to give your family anything they want when they want it and take care of all your loved ones. The solution to unlock your success is within your reach. Grab it now and take control of your life.

For more details and to order visit the Super Mind Powers official site.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Need To Develop Belief System As You Mature

Do you realize that the older we get, specific emotions are really internalized. They are pasted in our memory as prolific moments. The experiences that brought about these emotions are never erased from our minds, and it is these experiences that change our frame of mind, build or tear down character, overall, it is at those moments when you can actually feel a change in your soul.

The emotions that I am referring to here, may be moments of true happiness, depression, betrayal, anger, pain or even anguish. I can recall, when I was nearing 20 and so much was going on around me. I had to move out from my family and face life alone to actually gain peace of mind. At just 21, I know I will never forget those months forever, because honestly it was the first time I truly felt alone. Because I realized I had to survive, I built so much strength from this experience. The fact is life can change your mind.

Our mind houses among other things, our values and thoughts. Our value system is also our belief system. Values are taught, they say, but are they really? Do we still practice all the things our parents tried to instill in us. No, instead we were busy living life and making our own rules to live by, and our experiences served as the basis for what we believed in. Sure, we all may have a bit of our parents in us.

This being said as we find ourselves in this world, as we get older, as we mature spiritually, it is best to stand for something, as we have too much to lose if we don't. Maturing is not simply getting older, it is BUILDING CHARACTER. Life develops our belief system and a positive belief system in particular, aids us in being better individuals. We all need something to live by, some character and finding oneself does that.

Character is having a belief system that assures you that you will not compromise who you are within for anything. It also helps you classify those things of less important in this life, and know what is most important to you. It must be realized that without character there is no maturity. There is need for something to stand for and believe in. It tells us that our conscience is active, that we have heart, and it motivates us.

What we believe in makes the difference, hence developing a belief system is natural as we get older in life.


Do you not wish you had some sort of super mind power so you could transform your life of mediocrity into a life filled with passion, abundance and excitement? Maybe you want to lose weight, fall in love, get filthy rich or travel the world. Here are the secrets that will make it possible to be whoever you want to be or achieve anything you want to achieve in your life. Click Here To See The Details.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Channeling the Power of Subconscious Mind

You may have heard people talk about power of subconscious mind. Depending on your frame of mind, you may either view this with some degree of curiosity or with an ounce of skepticism. The truth though is that the powers of the subconscious are real and underrated. If you are willing to consider this concept with an open mind, you may be able to pave the way to genuine happiness and accomplishment.

What It Is

It is easier to understand the subconscious by understanding the levels of awareness. There are two general levels that most people are aware of--- the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious level of awareness is what we obviously know, think or intend to act on at any given moment. One is completely aware of the thought or move towards an action. The subconscious is that level of awareness which we all have but is outside an individual’s current awareness. This does not mean that the subconscious is a useless and dormant part of us. The subconscious contains many years of experiences, memories and principles that guide and influence us. Some people may not even be aware of this influence.

An individual for example cannot decide immediately based on conscious awareness alone. When a critical decision is at hand, the subconscious mind plays a part in revealing past experiences and beliefs that correspond with a decision option. Depending on the contents of your subconscious, you may either make a bad or a good decision.

Why it is Powerful

The power of subconscious mind cannot be clearly defined. It is certain however that this part of us contains largely untapped potentials. Because it contains many of our processed memories and experiences, the subconscious mind has the power to dictate many of our actions and decisions. Individuals for example may decide against a course of action based on past, nearly forgotten traumatic experiences, hence limiting ones potential to fully enjoy life. This is why it is crucial to keep in touch with the subconscious level of your mind and learn to harness its power.

How it Can Be Used

The subconscious mind can also hold a reservoir of negativism. Based on some negative experiences, you may unknowingly be filling your subconscious with equally negative thought patterns and feelings. Hence when a situation arises, your subconscious may immediately fill you with feelings of uncertainty, depression and a can’t do attitude. In order to become a better and happier person, you must learn to fight against the negative elements of your subconscious.

One way of doing this is to visualize your positive goals. In reality, no one wants to fail and live a slacker’s life. To channel the power of subconscious mind you must create a clear vision of what you want to happen in your life. Once you have this in your mind, believe that you are worthy of it and that it is right within your reach. It helps to take a few minutes off everyday to dig into your subconscious and reaffirm your positive thoughts and beliefs.


Do you not wish you had some sort of super mind power so you could transform your life of mediocrity into a life filled with passion, abundance and excitement? Maybe you want to lose weight, fall in love, get filthy rich or travel the world. Here are the secrets that will make it possible to be whoever you want to be or achieve anything you want to achieve in your life. Click Here To See The Details.